will be selling signed and numbered prints from their
Last minute raffle tickets for the beautiful handmade oak Hope Chest will be sold at the Library through Thursday and then during the festival at the LCAC booth. The lucky winner will be picked live on stage Saturday, September 10th, time 5:30 p.m. during the presentation ceremony for the Art Contest winners. LCAC's
booth will be located in the yard of Attorney Bud Adams' Office
(across the street from Inez Bank). If you are interested in
purchasing a particular piece of artwork from the
September Fest Art Contest please
contact Maureen at (606) 638-1010 or by email wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The Lawrence County Arts Council volunteers will be at Farmhouse Memories Flower, Antique and Gift Shop located at 75 Highway 32, Louisa all day, Saturday, September 17th celebrating their 10th anniversary! LCAC volunteers will be demonstrating dulcimer music and watercolor painting, selling prints from the "Memories in Art of Old Lawrence County" fundraiser. There
are 4 new paintings with commemorative prints for sale by hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LCAC
volunteers will be at the
First United Methodist
Church, Sunday, September 17th
during the church's
Heritage Celebration selling signed limited addition prints,
featuring the prints
of the church painted by Maureen Dosier. Winning Poem for SeptemberFest 2005 “September Fest” September starts and the days are lazy, Everyone around are going a little crazy. Getting ready for the September Fest, This is a weekend like none of the rest. People arrive with their booth’s so full, Hoping to sell everything would be cool. There are great treats for us to try, With many things for you and I. The music starts and then the singing, Sounds of country and rock a ringing. Dancing in the street, we all can see, Kids and adults, you won’t catch me. Are easy and fun you just don’t care, The art we see comes from all around, Quilts and pictures and thing on the ground. So many things to share with us all, So stop by and lets have a ball! See you on that September fest day, Be ready to have fun in everyway. authored by Tony Roberts |