The Painted Cow Gallery
and Lawrence County
Arts Council are featuring a very special
art exhibit
"Show the Love" .
Local artist Jean "Sally"
Salyers lives in Blaine Kentucky with her
husband Bill.
Both are well known artists in the area for many years,
prior to the opening of the gallery 4 1/2 years ago they have
showcased and sold their artwork at
Lawrence County Arts Council
sponsored festival events since 1999.
Sally's medium of choice was oils and acrylics many times she
mixed the two together.
Her favorite subject matter were either big colorful flowers
or lovely landscapes,
which she had received many awards and was well collected
Due to health issues Sally has been unable to produce any new
and since Bill is her primary care giver he too has not been
This exhibit offers you the buyer a unique opportunity to
some beautiful artwork from note cards to one of a kind
in oil and or acrylics as a fundraiser to help the Salyers
some of their medical bills.
Show the Love!
"Hand Made Holiday Ornament" Contest 2011 Sponsored by the Lawrence County Arts Council and Painted Cow Gallery. The contest is opened to all age groups and you can use any material to make your ornament, excluding food. All ornaments must have a hanger and be accompanied by an information card with your name, phone # and/or e-mail address and your age and grade level for students.
The deadline to submit entries is by 5:00 p.m. on or before Friday, December 2nd to the Painted Cow Gallery. Please remember neatness counts!
First and
Second place
will receive ribbons and
the opportunity to sell your
ornaments in the gallery!
Best in Show will receive a ribbon and a special prize.
special ribbon ceremony will be held on
The Painted Cow Gallery
and the Lawrence County Arts Council
is sponsoring it’s annual Halloween/Fall Art Contest and Ghost Story Contest 2011 all entries must be submitted on or before Saturday, October 15th to the Painted Cow Gallery, 103 S. Main Cross St., Louisa, Ky. The contest is open to everyone; students will be judged according to grade level and creativity.
Remember, presentation counts! Adults will be judged in art
media categories.
Mixed media art is encouraged and can either have a
Halloween or Harvest theme,
all ghost stories must be original and legible.
Winners will receive first and second place ribbons, there will be Best in Show award with a secret prize! Winning artwork will be displayed in the Painted Cow Gallery windows
and can be offered for sale.
Winners will be invited to a special Halloween Party!
September 2011 Art It’s time to start preparing your artwork for the the largest artshow in Lawrence County,Ky. Proudly sponsored by the Lawrence County Arts Council, Painted Cow Gallery & SeptemberFest Committee. It’s opened to all age groups & all media are included, a guideline of the categories are as follows; Creative Writing original (themed or not) poetry or short story
and ink/pastels, markers, or crayons) Portraits, landscapes, animated figures
Acrylics, Tole/Decorative, and Oils) Portraits (people/animals), landscapes,
flora/fauna, fantasy/abstract
Soft Textiles Decorative/Functional Fiber art, Knit, Crochet, hand sewn or machine. Needlepoint/Counted Cross Stitch Ribbon Embroidery, Needlepoint, Crewel, & Counted Cross Stitch (this category will include artwork done by kits) Quilts Laptop, Storybook, Appliquéd, & full-sized decorative/functional (hand or machine stitched) Woodworking Woodcarving, Decorative, or decorative/functional Furniture Miscellaneous any and all categories not included above. The theme for SeptemberFest 2011 is FAMILY, FRIENDS, & FUN Artwork entries for the SeptemberFest Art Show must be submitted to the Painted Cow Gallery, on or before August 20th by 4:00 p.m.. Please advise when entering if you are interested in selling your artwork. Entry Fee: $1.00 per item ages 18 or under $2.00 per item for adults Please include a card with your name, phone number, category and age group, entry fee, and remember presentation counts! Prizes will be 1st, 2nd Place, and Honorable Mention SeptemberFest ribbons, in Juvenile and Adult groups. "Best in Show" will be awarded an engraved plaque. All winning artwork will be kept on display in the Painted Cow Gallery's windows for the public to enjoy throughout the month of September. For further information please call Maureen Dosier at (606) 638-1313,on FaceBook Paintedcowgallery,Lousia, or email paintedcow1313@bellsouth.net
The Painted Cow Gallery And the Lawrence County Arts Council is sponsoring their 4th anniversary of the Divine Bovine Art Contest! This contest is open to all ages. The focal point must be a cow, or herd, or a cow and bull, anyway… it must be bovine. Your artwork can be in any media, 2 dimensional pieces should be matted and/or framed and ready to hang! Please submit your artwork to the Painted Cow Gallery 103 S. Main Cross Street Louisa, Ky. No later than 3:00 p.m. Saturday, June 11th. Include an information card with your name & phone number Adults can submit up to 3 pieces for $10.00 and Students (include your school and grade level to the above info.) your cost is 3 pieces for $5.00. Winners will receive ribbons and an invite to the Painted Cow Gallery 4th Anniversary Gala! Light refreshments will be served and the Best in Show Winner will receive a monetary gift certificate prize.
The Lawrence County Arts Council, the Lawrence
County Humane Society and the Painted Cow Gallery
are sponsoring their 4th annual
All ages are invited to enter your artwork must be on a poster and include
the following information; "Walk for the Animals", a Lawrence County
Humane Society fundraiser Saturday, April 30th from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00
p.m. Fun for the entire family
for sign up or info. contact Bev at 606 571-6224
Students under 18 years of age will be judged in their individual age
groups. Adults will be judged together all groups for 1st & 2nd place
ribbons Best in Show will receive a purple ribbon
$25.00 gift certificate to the Painted Cow Gallery.
Artwork must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. Saturday,
April 16th.
Remember neatness counts and your name phone # and age & school grade (if
applies) must be included on the back of poster.
All winning posters will be featured in local businesses to announce the
event! For further info. please call the gallery
during business hours.
The Painted Cow Gallery and Lawrence County Arts Council are sponsoring their very first photography contest "WINTER'S SPLENDOR" The focal point must be winter in all its glory. The contest is opened to all ages; STUDENTS will be judged in their age group ADULTS will be judged by category (landscape, flora & fauna or portrait). All artwork must be matted & framed with an ID card attached. The deadline to submit is by the end of the work day Friday, February 18th. Entry fee: $5.00 for 3, $10.00 for up to 6 First & second place winners will receive ribbons & Best in Show will receive a ribbon & a $50.00 gift certificate to the gallery!
" Hand Made Holiday Ornament" Contest 2010 Sponsored by the Lawrence County Arts Council. The contest is opened to all age groups and you can use any material to make your ornament, excluding food. All ornaments must have a hanger and be accompanied by an information card with your name, phone # and/or e-mail address and your age and grade level for students.
The deadline to submit entries is by 3:00 p.m. on or before Saturday, December 11th to the Painted Cow Gallery. Please remember neatness counts!
First and Second place will receive ribbons and the opportunity to sell your ornaments in the gallery! Best in Show will receive a ribbon and a special prize.
The Painted Cow Gallery and Lawrence County Arts Council is
sponsoring it's annual all entries must be submitted on or before Saturday, October 9th to the Painted Cow Gallery, 103 S. Main Cross St., Louisa, Ky. The contest is open to everyone; students will be judged according to grade level and creativity. Remember, presentation counts! Adults will be judged in art media categories. Mixed media art is encouraged and can either have a Halloween or Harvest theme, all ghost stories must be original and legible. Winners will receive first and second place ribbons,there will be Best in Show award with a secret prize! Winning artwork will be displayed in the Painted Cow Gallery windows and can be offered for sale. Winners will be invited to a special Halloween Party Septemberfest 2010 Art Contest & EXHIBIT The Lawrence County Arts Council (LCAC) would like to remind our artistically talented residents of all ages it's time to get started preparing your art work
for the
biggest multi-media Art Show in Artisans from outside of our community are also invited to participate! The SeptemberFest Art Show categories are as follows; Collages, Computer, Poster Art (Black and white or color) Realistic or abstract Doll Making (paper, cloth, clay, paper mache, wood or mixed)
(pencil/pen and
ink/pastels, markers, or crayons) Portraits, landscapes,
animated figures
Acrylics, Tole/Decorative, and Oils) Portraits
(people/animals), landscapes, flora/fauna,
Soft Textiles Decorative/Functional Fiber art, Knit, Crochet, hand sewn or machine (afghans, scarves, clothing, pillows, Xmas stockings, rugs, etc.) Needlepoint/Counted Cross Stitch Ribbon Embroidery, Needlepoint, Crewel, and Counted Cross Stitch (this category will include artwork done by kits) Quilts Laptop, Storybook, Appliquéd, and full-sized decorative/functional (hand or machine stitched) Woodworking Woodcarving, Decorative, or decorative/functional Furniture Miscellaneous any and all categories not included above. There will also be a new category honoring artwork featuring blue grass musicians and/or portraits of Ricky Skaggs or Larry Cordel. All artwork entries for the SeptemberFest Art Show must be submitted to the
Painted Cow Gallery, on or before Entry Fee: $1.00 per item ages 18 or under $2.00 per item for adults Please include a card with your name, phone number, category and age group, entry fee, and remember presentation counts! Prizes will be 1st, 2nd Place, and Honorable Mention Septemberfest ribbons, in Juvenile and Adult groups. "Best in Show" will be awarded an engraved plaque. All winners will be contacted by phone and there will be a Special Presentation Ceremony for winners during SeptemberFest, photos and videos will be featured in our newspapers, website, and TV.
further information please call You’re invited to celebrate the Painted Cow Gallery’s Third Anniversary Party Friday, June 4th. From noon to 9:00 p.m. Receive a FREE $15.00 print (your choice) With any $30.00 purchase.Light refreshments will be served. The gallery is still taking donations for Louisa's Relay for Life event and the walk will be located here on Main Cross starting at 6:00 p.m. this Friday night. Maureen Dosier, will be the featured artist of the month. Remember, original art makes a wonderful and thoughtful Father’s Day gift. The Lawrence County Arts Council and Painted Cow Gallery are co-sponsoring with the Lawrence County Humane Society " Walk for the Animals" Poster Art Contest. All artwork must be of a dog and on a poster (any color). The following information must be included and Large enough to read and legible;
"WALK FOR THE ANIMALS" Saturday, April 24th, 2010 Main Street Park, Louisa A Lawrence County Humane Society Fundraiser for further information call Bev Pack 606 638-3140
All artwork must be submitted to the Painted Cow Gallery on or before 3:00 p.m. Saturday, April 10th, 2010. All artwork submitted will be displayed in downtown business' windows. Ribbons will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place winners by age category, and will be announced on the day of the WALK FOR THE ANIMALS.
Winter Art
Contest 2009
Sponsored by the This contest is opened to all age groups, You can draw, paint, or photograph your conceptual idea of the holidays and/or a winter scene. Your artwork must include an information card with your name, phone # and/or e-mail address and your age and grade level (for students). The deadline to submit entries is Or before Tuesday, December 8th to the Painted Cow Gallery. Please remember neatness counts! Students 18 years or younger will be judged in their age group, while adults will be judged in categories. There will be a special ribbon ceremony Saturday, December 12th for the winners in first and second place, plus Best in Show. The Lawrence County Arts Council cordially invites you to a special book signing of with former Louisa native and author Sydney Burns Turnbull Saturday, November 14th, Time 1:00 P.M. at the Painted Cow Gallery 103 S. Main Cross Road (across from the Lawrence County Courthouse) Louisa, Kentucky Light refreshments will be served. The Lawrence County Arts Council is sponsoring it's annual Halloween/Harvest Art Contest and Ghost Story Contest all entries must be submitted on or before Saturday, October 10th to the Painted Cow Gallery, 103 S. Main Cross St., Louisa, Ky.The contests are open to everyone; students will be judged according to grade level and creativity, remember presentation counts! Adults will be judged in art media categories. Mixed media art is encouraged and can either have a Halloween or Harvest theme, ghost stories must be originaland legible. Winners will receive first and second place ribbons, their artwork will be displayed in the Painted Cow Gallery windows and they will be invited to a special Halloween Party at the Painted Cow Gallery for the reading of ghost stories and treats!Don’t be tricked, enter sooooooon….. S eptemberfest 2009 Art Contest & EXHIBITThe Lawrence County Arts Council (LCAC) would like to remind our artistically talented residents of all ages it's time to get started preparing your art work for the biggest multi-media Art Show in Lawrence County! Artisans from outside of our community are also invited to participate! The SeptemberFest Art Show categories are as follows; Collages, Computer, Poster Art (Black and white or color) Realistic or abstract Doll Making (paper, cloth, clay, paper mache, wood or mixed)
(pencil/pen and ink/pastels, markers, or
crayons) Portraits, landscapes, animated figures
(Watercolor, Acrylics, Tole/Decorative,
and Oils) Portraits (people/animals), landscapes, flora/fauna, fantasy/abstract
Soft Textiles Decorative/Functional Fiber art, Knit, Crochet, hand sewn or machine (afghans, scarves, clothing, pillows, Xmas stockings, rugs, etc.) Needlepoint/Counted Cross Stitch Ribbon Embroidery, Needlepoint, Crewel, and Counted Cross Stitch (this category will include artwork done by kits) Quilts Laptop, Storybook, Appliquéd, and full-sized decorative/functional (hand or machine stitched) Woodworking Woodcarving, Decorative, or decorative/functional Furniture Miscellaneous Any and all categories not included above All artwork entries for the Septemberfest Art Show must be submitted to the Painted Cow Gallery, on or before August 29th by 4:00 p.m.. Entry Fee: $1.00 per item ages 18 or under $2.00 per item for adults Please include a card with your name, phone number, category and age group, entry fee, and remember presentation counts! Judging will commence Saturday afternoon, prizes will be 1st, 2nd Place, and Honorable Mention Septemberfest ribbons, in Juvenile and Adult groups. "Best in Show" will be awarded an engraved plaque. All winners will be contacted by phone and there will be a Special Presentation Ceremony for winners during SeptemberFest, photos and videos will be featured in our newspapers, websites, and TV. For further information please call Maureen Dosier at 638-1313 or paintedcow1313@bellsouth.net
AGES 8-17
ONLY $15
The Painted Cow Gallery is celebrating their 2nd anniversary with a Divine Bovine Art Contest! This contest is open to all ages. The focal point must be a cow, or herd, or a cow and bull, anyway… it must be bovine. Your artwork should be matted and/or framed and ready to hang!
Please submit your artwork to the Painted Cow Gallery by Saturday, June 13th I nclude an information cardwith your name & phone number and for students include your school and grade level.Winners will receive ribbons and an invite to the Painted Cow Gallery
2nd Anniversary Gala!
The Lawrence County Arts Council (LCAC)
will be sponsoring Art Classes for Students
each Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the
Painted Cow Gallery. Beginning Watercolor Classes for Adults
are offered at noon on the first Saturday of each month
for $25.00 per session, including supplies. at the
Painted Cow Gallery.
For reservations and/or further information
call Maureen at (606) 638-1313.