Current Fundraisers


Upcoming Art Events
Current Fundraisers
Winter Wonderland
Patrons of the Arts


"Memories in Art of
Old Lawrence County"

    This is an exciting fundraiser of signed limited edition prints, inspired by historic site captured in old photographs of Lawrence County. LCAC has invited our most talented local artists and a few from outside of our community to draw or paint these images which are then made into professional prints and will be sold to the public, with 100% of the money going to LCAC for us to continue keeping the cultural arts alive and well in our community!

    LCAC has been bringing a diversity of cultural monthly programming to Lawrence County since 1997. LCAC has initiated two annual art festivals (Yatesville Lake Family Jubilee and Winter Wonderland), an annual talent show for school aged students, an annual photography contest, a multi media Septemberfest art contest, evening concerts at the lake, as well as monthly contests, exhibits and workshops in quilting, ribbon embroidery, crocheting, knitting, woodcarving, floral arranging, making holiday ornaments, decorative painting, drawing for beginners, designing original floor cloths, doll making, design your own scarecrow, creative writing, poetry, song writing, various meet the author book signings and lectures, photography basics, marketing and managing your art business, one man exhibits featuring talented new artists, and (new this year) monthly watercolor workshops.

   Unfortunately, our state grant funding stopped in June 2003, it seems LCAC is too big for the smaller grants of under a $1,000. or less and too small for the larger grants of $20,000. and over, which have to be matched. With all the good works our volunteers do for our community we have vowed to keep our Arts Council going through workshop and/or ticket sales, patron of the arts donations, raffles and fundraisers.   

   The images from our first printing of artwork includes a street scene of downtown Louisa, the old Louisa Grade School, the old wood and steel bridge going from Louisa to Ft. Gay, W.V., the covered bridge at Yatesville, the old Bank of Louisa, and the old Lawrence County Courthouse. Most of these sites have been torn down or have changed dramatically over the years which makes the artwork a wonderful historical keepsake of Lawrence County. The artwork is currently offered in note cards/price $2.00 each, 8 x 11 prints/price $15.00 each and 11 x 17 prints/price $25.00 each.

  Our next printing will include the Old Cypress Inn,the Riverview Hospital,the old Lawrence County High School,and the C. & O. Train Depot to name a few.

   LCAC volunteers will set up a permanent exhibit of the artwork at the Lawrence County Public Library and volunteers will be selling prints at various locations (to be announced) this summer and fall. At the end of the fundraiser the original artwork will be returned to the artist, unless they would like to donate it for a silent auction finale fundraiser.

The Lawrence County Arts Council has launched it's annual raffle ticket fundraiser Monday, June 13th. This year we have a lovely handmade wooden hope chest which is on display at the Lawrence County Public Library. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each on sale now through Septemberfest when the drawing will be held for the lucky winner!
 This beautiful piece of furniture is made of oak with an arched top. It is cedar lined with a working sliding interior drawer, the hardware is brass, and is on casters for portability.
 This fine piece of furniture would make a lovely gift for the bride to be and a keepsake to be passed on through generations.
  The hope chest was designed and lovingly hand made by the talented award winning wood worker and LCAC volunteer, Ed Bradley. 
  All proceeds will go directly to LCAC to provide the community with continued cultural arts programming.
Buy a ticket and support the Arts!
For further information or to place an order
please contact Maureen Dosier at
 (606) 638-1010 or
your interest and support is much appreciated!

Last Updated:
June 14, 2005
Contact: Webmaster

Created & Designed By:
Allen KellyŠAll Rights Reserved,2005