Upcoming Art Events


Upcoming Art Events
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The Lawrence County Arts Council will be sponsoring their next
Watercolor Workshop
on Tuesday, July 12th,
 time 10:00 a.m.
 at the Educational Building
instructed by Maureen Dosier.
This workshop is opened to all ages from beginners
to the seasoned artist.  The subject will be an underwater scene on rice paper, please make your reservations early by calling Maureen at 638-1010.
The Lawrence County Arts Council has scheduled a
Plein Air Watercolor Workshop
out at Yatesville Lake Marina
for Monday, July 18th
time 10:00 a.m.
instructor Maureen Dosier.
All students must bring their own paint supplies, an instamatic camera, and 8 x 10 mat is recommended.  Since we're planning on spending the day outdoors, a bagged lunch with beverages is also recommended.
Call Maureen for early reservations at 638-1010.

Last Updated:
July 4, 2005
Contact: Webmaster

Created & Designed By:
Allen KellyŠAll Rights Reserved,2005